Sunday, January 13, 2019

Why I'm taking this class - Tyler Ernst

I'm relatively new to wine. My family didn't drink it growing up, and the Franzia and Carlo Rossi I had in college didn't exactly ignite a passion for the beverage. However, I did leave college with a best friend, Corinne Rich, who had grown up in Santa Rosa and had an actual appreciation for wine. We used to joke about starting a wine company together one day - she'd do the winemaking, and I'd do the soulless business stuff in the background.

Five years and many bottles of wine later, that joke became a reality. We founded Birdhorse Wines in June, together with Corinne's girlfriend, Katie Rouse. You can learn more here if you're interested, and I'd of course love it if you'd join our mailing list and follow us on Instagram. We've got three tons of grapes fermenting and will be selling (hopefully!) Verdelho, Carignan, Valdiguié, and a rose starting in April/May. Corinne and Katie have made some excellent product, so I figured I should take this class in order to better educate myself about the industry and to learn some experience-based lessons rather than continue to shoot from the hip as I've been doing so far on the business side.

I'm excited to share more about Birdhorse as the class goes on and to take some lessons immediately into the real world.


  1. This is amazing. How did I not know this? Can we get coffee and discuss? Or better yet, let's split a bottle of wine and you can tel me all about it.

    1. Haha absolutely! Let's make it happen. I'm flexible next week.

  2. Tyler, You should definitely bring in some of the Birdhouse to class to share with your fellow classmates! Next class would be a good opportunity. LMK!

    1. I would love to, but we aren't bottling until March unfortunately! First harvest. We'll have an event in May so I'll be sending that around the GSB. Will figure out how to get you some :)
