Friday, February 1, 2019

Family Heritage

Meeting Christina Wente for the second time was the specific type of good luck one may only have at the GSB. Before encountering her in Wine Class, I met Christina in Peter Francis' Family Business Transitions class. During this meeting, I learned much more about the Wente family and the vineyards controlled by the clan. As we went through slides showing family history and present-day marketing strategies, I realized how the nature of a family business built around wine may be much more pleasant than a family business built around manufacturing or media.
Wine is, after all, a source of ease in our society. Almost like sports, people who may share different political or religious views can get together around wine (unless of course, they do not drink). Having a product that encourages community and conviviality strengthens the bonds of the family when wine families gather to reap the harvest. 
Watching the Kingston story only reinforced this belief for me. The Kingston family grows wine out of love and not for the profits. However, having that bond of a shared place, a shared product, and the ability to consume the product for enjoyment is enviable. In the days when farming has long taken a back seat in the modern economy, I think every family should grow wine.

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