Friday, February 15, 2019

USUAL wines

USUAL - from the same people that bring us VineBox ( - is taking over instagram feeds and utilizing digital marketing to build their brand. With minimalist packaging (pic below) and an unusual bottle design, they are targeting millennials who want to soak up summer with their own private stash of wine. At 6.3oz, they are describing their offering as a "large glass of real wine, in a bottle" - the standard glass is 5oz (VineBox vials are 3.4oz). With nearly 8,000 followers

( their instagram features pictures a desirable lifestyle filled with parties, sunshine, and the finer things. There is really not much about the wine at all, they are selling an experience.

It is not until you go to checkout that you even find out that the wine is from California, what the varietals are, and some information about the production. At $48 / 6 glasses of red or rose, they are charging $8 / 'big' glass - which is not very cheap when compared to your average bottle. BUT - how do you put a price on your own potential instagram posts with your swanky looking bottle? Seemingly there is a strong market out there that is willing to either swallow this price or don't care to do the math and are instead buying this wine exactly for how it is marketed to them - for the experience and the lifestyle that drinking it awards them. Who knows if the wine in this $8 glass compares to a similarly priced traditional bottle (on a per glass basis), my theory is that the people buying it don't really care.

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