Thursday, January 17, 2019

Why I'm taking this class

When I think wine, I think of happy moments. I only really started drinking wine during my undergraduate at university.  Ever since, wine has coincided with happy memories in my life. I did study abroad in my final year of my undergrad near Paris, which involved a lot of wine drinking. Subsequently, I started my consulting career, which involved many dinners and gatherings at seniors' homes. Seniors were very happy to share their knowledge and collection of wine. Earning an income also meant being able to travel to Australia's wine regions during weekends. I visited the Hunter Valley during 25th birthdays and the Barossa Valley to celebrate anniversaries and a colleague's 40th birthday. These tours made me appreciate the complexities of wine and the wine business, which operates at the intersection of art, agriculture/nature, science and business. The industry fascinates me and I hope to learn more about the global wine industry through this class, out of both interest and potential future investments in the sector.

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