Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Climate change leadership conference for wine

Last week there was a climate change leadership conference that hundreds of wine industry representatives attended. The conference took place in Porto during March 5 to March 7, and Al Gore gave the closing speech. 

This article summarizes some of the key takeaways from the conference:

Climate change is important for everyone, and the wine industry has a responsibility to reduce climate change as well. Some of the key highlights of the article include the following:

“Bridge conceived of the conference as a way to galvanise wine producers into collaborating and sharing information. While acknowledging a growing trend towards more sustainable practices, he believes that the wine industry as a whole has not yet woken up to this issue. ‘We know what the problem is and we need to find solutions.”

“Al Gore closed the conference highlighting the global emergency posed by climate change to the planet’s resources – from water, topsoil and forests to biodiversity and the integrity of our oceans, and recalling extreme weather events like the wildfires in California that occurred last year."

“A number of wine sector initiatives were showcased at the conference, including California’s first ‘Self Sustainable Winery’ at UC Davis, advances in water-saving technology from around the world, research programs to protect biodiversity in wine regions and investments in renewable energy.”

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