Sunday, March 17, 2019

The Great Hamptons Rose Shortage

Below is the link to a short article from Glamour (yes, I know), about the great shortage of Rose in the Hamptons in the summer of 2014. The Hamptons, known for their chic parties of the "who's who" of NY society has been a major consumer of the pink liquid in the last few years. That is why it became such an issue when the trendy restaurants and bars in Watermill, South Hampton, East Hampton and Montauk found their supplies of Whispering Angel, WattsUp, Domaines Ott, Summer in a Bottle, and similarly millennial-appealing names, found themselves running low.

These cleverly named Rose's not only drove an increase in instagram content but were staples of these local businesses' sales during their short summer season, helping drive the revenue that sustains these bars and restaurants for the rest of the year. Ultimately, the restaurants had to ration the pink gold and locales and people that had a hold of it commanded significant social credit, drawing customers and friends respectively. The fact that page six and glamour even ran articles about the shortage speaks to the varietal's meteoric rise and the social cache it has among the millennial cohort, and therefore its increasing importance within the wine industry.


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