Sunday, March 17, 2019

Wine Honey

Most Vitis Vinifera grapevines are Hermaphroditic, meaning they have both the male and female flower parts and are able to self-pollinate. However, both wind and bees can aid in pollination. 

There are several downsides to using honey bees for pollination. For example, cross pollination will occur. Cabernet Sauvignon actually comes from a crossing of Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon blanc. Having honey bees do the pollination means some of your grapes might not be of as pure of a variety as you'd planted.

Secondly, if the vinyard is not sufficiently biodiverse the bees will start to suck the sap out of grapes that have cracks or punctures. If the vineyard is biodiverse and healthy this should not be an issue though.

Finally, if a big draw of your winery is the location itself. Many people are scared or allergic to bees. Having them around can create a less pleasant atmosphere.

So why have bees?

  1. Biodynamic wineries often keep honey bees to help pollinate the wine. This is a more natural methodology and aids in fertilization. 
  2. You get amazing grape honey that you can sell 
  3. Honey bees are important to the ecosystem so keeping them is good for the world 

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