Saturday, March 16, 2019

LA's year-round sparkling season (wtf is Lambrusco?)

At a bachelorette in Los Angeles a week ago all of the women were drinking Lambrusco and Pét-Nat the entire weekend. Day one I asked them, "wtf is Lambrusco?!" Clearly I am not up with the times as they stared back in disbelief. Lambrusco is a chilled, sparkling red wine and Pét-Nat, orange.

At first, I thought it was a friend group anomaly; maybe the bride loved these wines and thus network effects kicked in with the entire crew. However, every brunch/dinner restaurant and bar we went to had variations of Lambrusco cocktails. Maybe it's a sissy LA palate trend, but this year-round sparkling season city is adopting a new obsession that we should take note of as wine-trepreneurs. Sparkling rose is not enough these days.

Lambrusco hails from the Emilia-Romagna region and made from its namesake red grape. It was cast aside by wine enthusiasts in the 80s because of the cheap, fizzy varietals that took over the U.S. Lambrusco is making a huge comeback now though and more premium ones today are dry, crisp, and delicious.

Bon-Appetit describes Pét-Nat (pétillant naturel) as champagne's "cool kid sister...the bubbly you want to party with". It is created from white and red grapes and made by taking still-fermenting/unfinished wine, bottling and capping it, and allowing it to complete fermentation in the bottle. Winemakers describe it as "Russian roulette," because you can never quite predict how the taste will be.

If you're looking for a fun way to mix up your bubble routine - check these out!


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